This large rug, based on an ancient Persian Qum Silk Carpet, is over twice the standard IMVU rug size when downloaded into a room. It is highly detailed with good scalability and and presentation of visual detail to even expansive room sizes. Best viewed and used in large rooms. This rug has a 4:3 ratio. See pictures below.

Check out all Masterpiece Rugs (click here) by AnakaTarren! Masterpiece Rugs by AnakaTarren

Below: Actual IMVU room screenshot of the rug purchased with this item.

Below: The rugs mounted on the wall are for EXAMPLE ONLY. The rug purchased with this product will be as shown in th pictures above but is the same size as the large rug on the wall below when unscaled. This large size is shown compared to the standard IMVU rug size which is much smaller. (The standard size rug has been moved off-center from the wall node in order to provide a better view of the level of detail this mesh can provide.) The Large Rug on the floor shows how large this large item can be scaled, from the length from the door to the stairs of IMVU Castle Outfit One in this example, while keeping good visual quality.

AnakaTarren’s Trigger Word List

oriental rug persian carpet brown cream red blue gold medieval silk