[Drv] Jewelry Display
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[Drv] Jewelry Display
[Drv] Jewelry Display
Optimal Texture Dimensions
number object dimensions
m00 case: glass 256x256
m01 case: base 256x512
m02 case: floor 256x256
m03 necklace display 256x512
m04 necklace 64x64
m05 hanger: foot 256x256
m06 hanger: post 64x512
m07 hanger: arms 512x64
m08 hanger: bracelets 64x64
m09 fingers: base 512x128
m10 fingers: fingers 256x512
m11 to m14 [duplicates]
m15 risers 256x256
m16 rings 512x64
m17 to m20 [duplicates]
m21 ring pad 256x256
m22 ring box 256x256
m23 [duplicate]
m24 ring box inner 256x256
m25 to m50 [duplicates]

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