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Scottish Ghillie Brogues to match the Scottish Piper Outfit. Includes white Kilt Hose and Red Flashes.
Brogues are shoes that are made of heavy and untanned leather, heretofore worn in
Scotland and Ireland. Brogue also refers to Oxford shoes that have fringe or wing tips.
Ghillie Brogues, or Ghillies, are also a type of shoe with laces along the instep and no tongue, especially those used for Scottish country dancing. Although now worn for dancing and social events, ghillies originated as a shoe that would dry quickly due to the lack of a tongue, and not get stuck in the mud because of their laces above the ankle.
The gaelic bróg is a shoe. The term "brogan" adds the gaelic án suffix which can indicate a diminutive or affectionate usage.
If you care for the complete Scottish attire, look in the box beneath the pics for the Scottish Bagpiper Outfit with kilt and jacket, the fly plaid, the bagpipe and the hat.

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