Texture Guide:

M00 - Support beams.
M01 - Second floor half wall and post of spiral staircase
M02 - Large blocks around posts, windows, doors
M03 - Small blocks around posts, windows, doors.
M04 - Inner Celing
M05 - Outer underside of second floor
M06 - Second floor - floor
M07 - Outer Porch/platform
M08 - Roof Part 1 - trim
M09 - First floor - floor
M10 - Second floor outer walls
M11 - Second Floor - Inner walls
M12 - First floor - outer walls
M13 - First Floor - inner walls
M14 - Roof part 2 - inner triangles
M15 - Roof part 3 main
M16 - Windows
M17 - Door
M18 - Ladder
M19 - City walls
M20 - CityStreet
M21 - Spiral stairs part 1 - trim
M22 - Spiral stairs part 2 - main
M23 - Book shelves in library 1
M24 - Book shelves in library 2
M25 - Book Shelves in library 3
M26 - Book Shelves in library 4
M27 - City grass
M28 - City gates/doors
M29 - Sky