________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the Old Estate Winter. This is a day time scene. On this property is a large Old Estate house. The 4th floor is all attic space - and there are two sides to the attic. The very top floor [5th] is a look out space where you can view the entire room. There are 3 bedrooms on the 3rd floor as well as 2 bathrooms. The the master suite - with connecting bathroom and walk through to the nursery, adjoining the master suite on the 2nd floor as well as a nice sized library. The kitchen - with large pantry, grand foyer, family room, and dining room are all on the 1st floor. .... Lots of possibilities here. As requested, this is a small room with a big home. So there is VERY little space for much outside stuff here other than near the lake. There are plenty of nodes in here so you can place furniture as you please. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for your interest in my products. Please try before you buy. All sales are final and non-refundable. Photobucket' border='0' />" readonly onClick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" STYLE="width: 1600px; ">