Got a little room for a little snap you want to put on your display table? This little gold frame is ideal for squeezing more and more friends into your collection.

If you're still a guest, you can hire a developer to put your picture in for you. As soon as you buy your avatar name and you can develop, you'll find adding your picture very easy using the IMVU previewer. Even without your own picture, you'll find that developers will derive from this item and provide you with many finished pictures to buy.

The awesome thing is, you can change any of the pictures you've made for yourself! Just "edit product", which opens the previewer, change the pictures, and resubmit! Be patient though, it sometimes takes longer (sometimes hours?) for a resubmitted product's changes to register than it does for a new product to appear. Please, I do not recommend changing photos of products you have submitted to the catalogue. You could upset some purchasers.

Note: For best results, use the standard IMVU snapshot size for your images: 160x220 pixels.

You don't have a display table!!?? Well, here is a picture of just what you can do with such a thing. Buy frames, derive and add a picture to them (or hire a developer to do it for you), and then put them on the table and rotate them into any position you desire. You can learn more about and purchase your display table here.

A Word for Developers

You can derive from this! And what's great is that you have full license to make your products derivable if you have changed the texture! The whole spirit of frames is that you can make a frame, and then someone else can derive from it and put their own pictures in. Keep in mind, when you derive from any frame, that you should obtain permission of the person who's image you're displaying (or the person who owns the photo) before you publish your product. Or, you could just play it safe and only publish images of yourself for your friends and fans to buy.

Furthermore, you are also given permission to use the texture of this frame in your derived products.

If you decide to derive from this product, you are also agreeing to the following licensing rules:

1. Items derived from this mesh should not contravene the laws of Canada, or the province of Ontario.

2. It is my own personal wish that items derived from this product do not promote hate towards any group of people.