Vampire the Masquerade
The Tzimitze is a clan of very arcane vampires.
 This clan is as fascinated by the occult as the Tremere are.
 But do not possess nearly as wide a scope of knowledge. 
The Tzimitze is a scholarly clan,
 and most of its members are highly educated. 
The clan is one of the most honorable of all vampire bloodlines.
 Tzimitze have strong appreciation for learning. 
They are some of the most educated beings on earth.
 They seek to understand magic as well as science, 
but have not reached the level of the Tremere in this understanding.
 The Tzimitze cadre stretched across the Baltic regions of Eastern
 Europe for many centuries. 
It established a great power base until the Tremere,
 then a house of mortal wizards, 
established convenants in what is today northern Bulgaria.
 The two coexisted for a time, not intruding upon one another.
 Eventually, the power mad Tremere captured some Tzimitze and used them 
in perverse rituals aimed at extracting the essence of their immortality.
 Some Tzimitzes believe this was the beginning of the Tremere as a clan
(cape is included with this set.)

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