"light as a feather, stiff as a board..." I had to say it!

You are going to have so much fun lounging around this candlestick, which sits on the floor! You can talk about about hip gothy topics, have a seance, or just bathe in the romance of it all. The pure white candle with animated flame set in an ornate heavy bronze holder will help to set the mood perfectly. There is room for you and two of your friends, using Whystler's"Tummylay" and "Reclinamation" poses.

This Product is also Derivable!!!

Note: This picture, though not that slick (I will replace it soon), gives you some indication of the three seats around the candle.

A Word about White Candles:

Note only are White Candles beautiful and set a mood in your IMVU scene, but they are useful too! magick often uses online images to focus your energy and work with the universe's ebb and flow. While you can use the white candle to enhance any spell, because of it's nature being a reflection of all colours, it can also be useful for specific things. Light a white candle when you wish to send safety and protection to a loved one. White candles are also useful for any spell involved with healing body and spirit and also for cleansing rituals. Remember, if you are ever in any doubt as to what colour of candle to use for a particular magickal endeavour, a white candle will always serve the purpose.


You are hereby licensed to derive from this product if you agree to adhere to the following rules:

1. I would appreciate it if you did not derive from products derived from this, but rather please derive your products from this page. I'm interested in giving license to 2D artists who would like to use this mesh for their own designs. I do not ethically believe in pyramid schemes or middle men. Don't get greedy, get creative and then everyone can benefit from our art for a reasonable price. Deriving from this page also let's me see which products I have given license to use this mesh. As a courtesy to those trying to adhere to this rule, please do not make your derived products derivable.

2. Items derived from this mesh should not contravene the laws of Canada, or the province of Ontario.

3. It is my own personal wish that items derived from this product do not promote hate towards any group of people.

4. Any textures used for this root product, except for the texture templates offered below, are under copyright may not be used in any product, including those derived from this root product, without express written permission from T. Shawn Johnson.

EXCEPTION: You may use the animated flame texture on any candle product by Whystler.

Thank you for your interest in deriving from my art! I hope you have as wonderful an experience as I have developing in IMVU.

Here is your texture template:

Remember: do not set your items derivable. If you have set your item derivable, and cannot change it back to non-derivable, you may be asked to remove it from the catalogue