DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT - It is for deriving purposes only. Instead, take a look at what's been derived from it.

Developers - Try this low-breakeven figure-hugging dress!
It's opacity mapped all the way so you can make it any length or shape you choose.

This dress has not one but two complete Clingy skirts =) If you prefer you can just use the outer one for a slightly looser skirt, or you can use both. You could make the outer skirt into an extension of the garment worn on top, with the inner skirt as a full skirt underneath - or you could use the outer skirt as a lacy or gauzy layer, or use the inner skirt as a petticoat, or... the possibilities are endless =) The UV map is the same for both inner and outer skirts.

The mesh was designed to address one of the main problems I have encountered in my experience deriving. A texture over the skirt part of this mesh does not 'scrunch up' at the back, as it does with so many others, so now you can pack as much detail into the rear as you can into the front. Moreover, the torso and the skirt uv maps are in line with respect to one another - in other words you can paint your texture across the waist line and it will appear neatly lined-up when you apply it to your avatar, without conspicuous discontinuities. Note that the skirt parts of this mesh lie very close to the body, so while the mesh looks fine in most positions, it will split in some poses. That said, for most default positions it looks excellent :-)

Please use the maps below so you know where to put the bits and pieces, and please don't make your products derivable XX