Ahhh, this is the life ... sitting beside the gently flowing water in a pond, smelling the fragrant water lilies, flirting with a sweety, or cooling your feet in the soothing depths.

This pond kit includes a pond basin

The pond basin is carved of the same white Whyst marble with light gold sandstone details, as all Whyst products in the "classic" line. There are two seats facing out on one side, and two seats on the other (one standing in the water, and the other seated facing inward with feet in the water).

This Pond kit includes a water surface

This water surface is special. It consists of two layers. The lower layer is the slowly moving organically green water which sparkles in the sun as it moves. The upper layer portrays the stationary pond lily pads. And finally, full 3D water lilies in white with pink veining float motionlessly on the surface.

Place both items on the same furniture node, and voila! You have a pond. Also, try overlapping the Whyst Fountain to the same furniture node for a nice larger fountain effect.

So, what are you waiting for? Start building Whyst! It's all yours.