Blowing Kisses. **This is the MALE version** This item turns your right hand into a flying kiss factory, firing off sweetness forward, left, and right. The Commands are "KissForward", "KissLeft", "KissRight".
****PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Kiss Blower is for MALE AVIES ONLY! There is a separate version available for Female avies. The Kiss Blower also replaces your avie's Right Hand, so it's not compatible with gloves or other hand replacements. This also includes full body replacements, like certain elaborate outfits and jumpsuits. Use "Try IT" before you "Buy IT" to make sure it's compatible with your avie and outfit. There will be no refunds if you buy the wrong or it doesn't work with your particular clothing needs.

Female Version Here:
 {p}Blowing Kisses Female