A magic pale tan pearl with swirling, animated colours held in the right hand. The size of a tennis ball, about, that fits in your palm. This particular item was intentionaly based of an "Idea Sephira" crystal from the game Baroque, but you'd never know unless the holder said so, even if you played the game. haha. Lights up in dark scenes. Made for a friend who loves Baroque.
Update: Added some voices. Baroquemonger voicebox. Will add more shortly as I record him. Hehe one or two sounds is edited to sound funny.
*noname (A wonderful way to reject "asl".)
*needsomething (Is someone not getting the hint and keeps inviting you?)
*customer (A customer? This probably is quite a rare phrase as well. Unless you sell something on IMVU, or something.)
*delusional (That's one way to insult someone.)
*well (cut off from original line. A good icebreaker sound. O_o "well.")
*weeell (This sound is edited! lol!)
*mmmhh (edit!!! XD!)
*pervertt (What are you, in lust mode or something...? Ironicly placed on product page under a perverted-sounding "hhmmmm" edit.)
*ungh (If you're too cool too to just say "ouch" when you get hit.)
*breath (*Ga-asp!* It sounds painful.)
*strangegun (A riot to say in Philladelphia.)
*skeptical ("Hmm... I wonder if that's so..?")
*sooo (Uh... yeah, so..)
*ic (The phrase no one really knows how to respond to.)
*notalone (multi use phrase!)
*barbarian (If they don't stop hitting you after saying this, they must be a true blue brute.)
*stop (Stop it.)
*peace (Because you've no reason to fight.)
*nouse (Why hit an immortal baroque...?)