DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT - It is for deriving purposes only. Instead, take a look at what's been derived from it.
Developers - Try this low-breakeven figure-hugging dress!

This re-shaped, seamless mesh has a host of features I incorporated because I needed them for my own texturing, and which I'm happy to be able to offer you - read about them below =)

Some of the advantages of this mesh:

This dress is seamlessly mapped across the top and bottom. In other words a texture painted on the skirt part does not scrunch up at the back, and the torso and skirt flow into one another across the waist with no discontinuities. This advantage will reduce your development time considerably, and it means you can get as much detail in the back as you can in the front. This dress has no ugly line across the belly. Both the dress and the body (torso and hips) underneath are single, continuous meshes. It's smooooth =)
This dress is remapped around the neck. I've put the neck back where it should be, on top of the body. Look at the uv map opposite to see what I mean. No more fiddling around trying to get the neck area to line up with the torso. Reduce your development time and make halter-necks and collars easily. I have left the vertical part of the neck separate on the uv map to allow you to get a clean line. This remapping only applies to the outer dress mesh - not the body mesh underneath - so skins are unaffected. This dress stretches across the bust. Emulating real fabric, the dress mesh stands away from the avatar's body in the area between the breasts. If you do want the texture to follow the curves of the bust, simply paint it onto the body mesh, and blank out the dress mesh in this area with the opacity map. You can of course paint on both body mesh and dress mesh, to wonderful effect.
This dress has remapped arms. I have increased the area of the texture dedicated to the sleeves to the maximum, so you can get much more detail into this part of the body. This body-shape is enhanced, in the waist, hips, bottom and bust, to make it smooth and curvy =) I've also fixed the shoulders so the top of the arm does not poke through on the right, as happens with default meshes.

Remember: Like all such meshes, if you use blending on the dress mesh and if it is then viewed through a semi-transparent material, it is subject to the 'transparency bug'. As such you must be careful to at least paint across the minimum coverage parts of the underlying body mesh, to keep your product GA and retain the wearer's decorum.
Since the dress mesh and the body mesh lie so close to each other, if you have a lower-powered graphics card you may see some shimmering in the previewer on zooming out. In the client, however, it is very unlikely that you or your customers will get any shimmering, (click the 'try-it' button to compare previewer and client) since the client uses a far better rendering system than the more basic previewer. Despite the improbability of getting shimmering in the client, you can tell your customers that in the unlikely event that they do see it, they can type *lift to eliminate it. Technically, this produces a morph animation that increases the distance between the body and the dress, without otherwise affecting anything else. See this in the previewer by going to the 'Actions' tab and hitting 'Play Action'. Otherwise, you can of course use this mesh that does not shimmer at all, ever, even with an antediluvian graphics cards in the previewer.
I have re-worked the shoulders on this product, so that they are much neater and do not fold as bizarrely as they do on the default meshes, but since the dress mesh lies an imperceptibly small distance above the body mesh, there is a tiny bit of poke-through in some arm positions. If this is a bother to you, again you can simply paint the shoulders area of the underlying body mesh. If your creation is sleeveless, of course, this is not even an issue =)

The skirt part of this dress, since it lies so close to the legs, may clip in some seating poses where the avatar crosses her legs, or in other extreme poses.

Use the maps below so you know where to put the bits and pieces. Thank you for considering deriving from me, and please don't make your products derivable XX