A bright green and red short mohawk, fanned in two rows, one facing front (green) and the other one facing backwards (red).

You can find the whole short mohawk line of products here:

{F} Shorthawk Black F

{F} Shorthawk Green F

{F} Shorthawk Red F

{F} Shorthawk Red and Green F

Other mohawks by me:

Black Spikedhawk F

Purple Spikedhawk F

Green Spikedhawk F

Black Spikedhawk M

Purple Spikedhawk M

Green Spikedhawk M

Notice that only the short mohawk is sold here. All other accessories and clothing shown on the model are not part of this product.
Also seen here:
{F} Purple Oni Tattoo F by Finue
{F} Punk Stompers Red F by Finue
{F} Red Tartan Pants F by Finue
{F} UJ Anarchy F by Finue
{F} Studded Punk Collar F by Finue
[L] Brown i-Glass by LillyButterfly
Head 4 Dainty by M4CH1NE