A gorgeous rectangular rug that is made in red and golden hues. This rug will get very large, so it is very diversable and can cover a large area, even the walls, if you want. This rug is made to go with my Paris Marble line...some links to some of these products are proveded below...

Paris Marble Mansion

Marble Paris Jacuzzi (AP)

Paris Marble Hot Tub (GA)

Animated Couch in Black and Red

Paris Marble Flat VERY CHEAP ROOM

Sexy Barstool in Silk (sexy animated pose)

12 Pose Paris Marble Fireplace

Paris Marble Circle Rug

Paris Marble Rug…resize capability very diversified and also hangs on walls!


To Goddess E’s Catalog

I am adding new things to my catalog weekly, sometimes daily, so keep a lookout for my products!