Auburn (deep, rich redhead) updo with Gold ribbons in a romantic style! Perfect for princesses, fairies, romantic fantasy! Works beautifully with my GoldCladdaghEarJewel! Try It and see - Hugs,Care Shown with: ShortBlueCapris by KareenaSM; *Delicate* BB Beige top by Smexy; Sparkles Yellow Eyes by 32Hz; 14KGoldDangles, EgyptianGoldLion, EgyptianGoldCoffin, CarverdMarbleLion, GoldenLeopardNails, TealNWhiteWristCorsage by carefreeme: AuburnBeautyJadeWGold AuburnBeautyJadeWGold AuburnBeautyJadeWGold AuburnBeautyJadeWGold AuburnBeautyJadeWGold AuburnBeautyJadeWGold AuburnBeautyJadeWGold Shown with EmeraldsGemstonesNGold by carefreeme and dress is by Tanya: Emeralds