The Viper Mark II was the second model of Viper introduced during the Cylon War. It became the main fighter craft for the Colonial Fleet in the latter part of the war and quickly replaced the Viper Mark I. It proved to be faster and more manueverable than the Viper Mark I fighter with a sleeker design and more powerful engines. Highly manuverable and armed with two rapid fire 20mm cannons the Viper Mark II gave the Colonial Fleet fighter supremacy over the Cylon Raider which eventually led to the Colonial victory in the Cylon War.

After the Cylon War, the Viper Mark II stayed in service until it was eventually replaced by the Viper Mark III. However, the Mark II's became the most remembered fighter craft of the Cylon War and holds the legendary status as the best fighter in Colonial history. It's successors have a proud history to live up to and the Viper Mark VII was the current Viper in service on the eve of the attack on The Colonies, however, because the Mk VII Vipers were quickly disabled by the new Cylons Raiders and were destryoed, Galactica's squadron was completey wiped out. Yet because the Viper MkII did not use a sophisticated computer system they were immune to the Raiders attempts to disable them. So once again the Viper MkII has found it's self as the front line defence to the new Cylon treat.

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