Perfect for those who aren't so swift on their feet or swift on their fashion, the newest 'In Your Face' GlowStuff product whips it to the unexpecting random chat invite that you may or may not want to attend!

GlowTails have minds of their own, everything from borderline psychotic to obsessively cuddley! Maybe even both, you'll just have to see which one you get, hooray! (Disclaimer: AJee Glowstuff LLC takes no responsibility for GlowTails mauling, maiming, piercing, bruising, bludgeoning, eating, beating, twisting, smashing, insulting, suffocating, giving dirty looks or thinknig dirty thoughts to you or any other avatar. In fact, we don't take responsibility for anything. We're not registered with the Better Business Bureau, and never will be! So there! Live with it!)

For immediate stability concerns, GlowTails are autonomous and have no operable functionality, but firmware upgrades are pending.

Derivers, you can disable the glowy transparency thingie by turning off blending or setting it to 'composite'. I'm sorry the map is so... uh, all over the place, I got frustrated. The upper left group of four is the base of the tail, going down by each link, going on to the next collumn, and ending up with the tip at the far right.