furniture stone man with 13 poses (at the moment)
Try it. No refunds. Only the male stone furniture. Not self illuminated. Trigger words: stone1 - stone13

*I have on mind to add (when I'll have a bit of time, I'm busy) new poses to this product. If I do it, I'll post here the date of every new update * stay tuned*

(In case somebody can have doubts, if I add new poses at the product, you will have it without additional charge. Only check this page to see if there are something new or not.)

*** 2013/07/05 updated new pose. Trigger: stone14
*** 2013/08/04 updated new pose. Trigger: stone15
*** 2013/11/02 updated new poses. Triggers: stone16 - stone17 - stone18 - stone19 - stone20
*** 2014/03/29 updated new poses. Triggers: stone21 - stone25