This enhanced skin, mostly in the 020º tone, sports a highly complex tattoo on the whole of the back, with various old skool elements representing the Etz Chayim, the Tree of Life from the Kabbalah. There's a small tattoo in the front, above the belly button, reading Etz Chayim. The skintone also features enhanced shadowing and highlighting in painstaking detail to better define the volume of the body shape and give your avatar an excelent realistic feel.

Other skintones by me:

Etz Chayim Skin F

Etz Chayim Skin M

Enhanced Skintone (No Makeup) F

Enhanced Skintone M

Patched Tartan Skin F

Patched Tartan Skin M

Old Skool Tattoo Skin F

Bloodstained Zombie Skin F

Purple Oni Tattoo F

Rose Tattoo Skin Female

Notice that only the enhanced skintone is sold here. All other accessories and clothing shown on the model are not part of this product.
Also seen here:
Head 4 Dainty by M4CH1NE
[K] Ebony Vicky by Kimi
[L] Brown i-Glass by LillyButterfly
{F} Finue Bikini by Finue
Dainty Bare Feet by Cassiopeia