stickers_9e6da38ef188b9f706bf9758ba0facd9 Help Stop Elephant Suffering .. when baby elephants are captured to be sold to a circus, they are both physically and emotionally, severely abused, to train them to do the tricks that people love to see .. they are chained and housed in terrible conditions for such large animals, that are used to (and need to) roam and move over great distances .. i worked at a wildlife park in Texas and saw first hand how our elephants were treated .. when not performing, they were chained and routinely beaten .. we had a famous elephant called "King Tusk" there and his trainer told me that without inflicting physical pain, he couldn't get the elephants to do the tricks .. in India different methods are used, but these intelligent and sociable animals, still have nothing to look forward to but lives of incredibly harsh drudgery and toil .. please don't buy ivory and never go to another circus .. if you want to learn more watch the documentary, "An Apology to Elephants"..