This necklace was inspired by the head of the family known as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, of Dark Shadows. For the rest of her set and more items of this collaborative bundle, see the UCD bundle page in the UnconventionalDevs catalog, found through the banner at the bottom of this page.


Try before you buy because I cannot authorize refunds. If you love it, please leave a review. :)

I want to thank all of you for buying and reviewing. And though it means a great deal to me, I unfortunately cannot do so personally to every single person due to the lack of reliable time, but I thank you so much! Also, feel free to message me for any questions or problems directly, I will sort it out to the best of my ability if it is not an IMVU client issue, since that is out of my control. Please do not leave bad reviews if you have a problem, it won't help you because I'm not notified, so please message me. :)

 photo elizabethnecklace_zps939b7074.png

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