You are viewing "The Pizzeria with Animated Poses(derivable)

The Pizzeria, has ovens, a grill, a fridge, a long counter with a soda machine There is also 2 baskets of fries cooking and a huge over head Menu Board. There are animated poses kneading the dough and wiping the counter. There is a static pose greeting the customers when the room opens, one leaning against the counter with the arms folded one with hands behind it's back like they are thinking what to order and 2 poses in front and back of the counter leaning in and talking to each other.

I have items to go with this pizzeria. You have GOT to get the Booth and round table and chairs with the eating action animated poses. I have pizza, burgers and fries and cups and cans of soda for sale also. You are really going to love this item. Invite your friends to a pizza party! Add other items to make this so much fun! If you buy and like, please tell your friends where you got it! :)) Check out my other things! I love to mesh my little heart out!

Copyright Graphics By Karen© 2005