presenting the elegant dances of the avatar range of motions adapted and choreographed from the Miyako Odori by Vertexual Foundry
Maiko Sakura Fan

engineered to ensure maximal entertainment and guarantees enjoyment with the use of Creative Visionary Methods

Sick of boring avatar actions? Look no further!! The Vertexual Foundry gives you more actions in your product!

Note: only the Fan is included in this product, all other products are products from other developers

Please note that the fan is "hidden" in the left sleeve and the commands must be utilized to show them.
After starting an animation, it is recommended to wait for the animation to stop completely before initiating a new one. (Otherwise the fan will look odd)
Type these out as action commands in the client program
maiko1 A pose of the maiko presenting the fan while seated
maiko2 A pose of the maiko with the fan covering the face slightly while standing
maiko3 A half bow from the maiko
dance1 -
Some no Mai - Initial Dance
dance2 -
Tsugi no Mai - The Next Dance
dance3 -
San no Mai - The Third Dance


This is the template for this product

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