This is a ring that has some family guy quotes that are really funny are the triggers.. 1. bloodyhell* 2. bow* 3. chicken* 4. burninhell* 5. runet* 6. cyborg* 7. jokegum* 8. whatabout* 9. melons* 10. gameover* 11. ohyeah* 12. boo* 13. crip* 14. didnthavegas* 15. poop* 16. itsagirl* 17. donttakeno* 18. popemobile* 19. cherrios* 20. drinkthebeer* 21. cutmymilk* 22. drophisclub* 23. frozen* 24. markmywords 25. nosprinkles* 26. oneofthem* 27. stopmockingme 28. victoryismine 29. whothehell 30. damnyou1 31. damnyou2 32. realmoney* 33. newbutt* 34. activegren* 35. speedracer* 36. waterintofunk* 37. petercopter 38. hindenpeter