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Diva Powers

Read sorcery books, wield magic swords, fire guns, all while seemlessly being the master of Powerful Energy and Flight! Commands are "Hover1", "Hover1!", "Hover2", "Hover2!", "Hover3", "Hover3!", "Hover4", "Hover4!", "Attack1", "Attack2", "Attack3", "Fly1", "Fly2", "Frown1", "Frown2", "Crazy1", and "Crazy2". The difference between a "Hover" and "Hover!" are the additional facial animations that are played Ive added sounds to the attack ,fly and crazy commands if you watch the video they appear not to play as the action unfolds but this is a result of my screen capture not being able to render correctly if you try it on you will see that they do match up. PLEASE NOTE: This item is for FEMALE AVIES ONLY, and will not work with Male avatars. There is a separate version for Male avies that does the same thing except without sound I will try to reproduce for the male avies as time and credits allow. It also replaces your Left hand, so it's not compatible with most gloves and other hand replacements. Please use "Try It" to make sure it's compatible with your avie and your outfits before buying it. There will be no refunds of you buy it and find it doesn't fit your needs! Enjoy being a IMVU SuperHero!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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The Literacy Site