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This Complete Baroness Bundle from G.I. Joe with all the toys she was famous for
Pistol - DRAWS - Draw the Pistol - - REHOS - Reholster - - AIMS - Aim forwards - - SF - Shoot forwards - - SR - Shoot right - - SL - Shoot left - - SF5 - Shoot forwards 5 times - - AIMS2 - Aim forwards hidden - - SF2 - Shoot in AIMS2 - - SF25 - Shoot in AIMS2 5 times! - - STON - Active the torch - - STOFF - Deactive the torch - - SLON - Active the laser - - SLOFF - Deactive the laser - - RES - Reload – Rifle - DRAW - Draw the AMD - - REHOL - Reholster - - AIM - Aim forwards - - FF - Shoot forwards - - FR - Shoot right - - FL - Shoot left - - FA - Shoot everywhere! - - AIM2 - Aim forwards kneeling - - FF2 - Shoot forwards kneeling - - RE - Reload – Glasses HUP - Raise the glasses - - DTILT - Tilted position - - HON - Default position –
 photo TheBaroness_zps8b9ff148.jpg
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