This outfit includes the full bodysuit, wings and skirt, it also shrinks your entire avatar to half her normal size. This will wear with your normal skintone, eyes and hair! (Note: Some long hairstyles may not work). Say "move" to activate idle movement in her hands and feet This outfit works with some non-standard heads, but you must take them off BEFORE you put the outfit on! Then try loading a non-standard head and see how it looks. If you put the outfit on while wearing a non-standard head your body will not shrink! enjoy... Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingalthough the wings appear black in the picture they are actually transparent and will blend into backrounds, with a dark green outline so they are still visible. This is all one big outfit so theres no need to go and buy the seperate parts. with this purchase you recieve the wings top skirt and shoes! XD