Satin Gloves - Amethyst
Slinky Harlow glam gloves in rich purple with tiny amethyst buttons at the wrist.
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Satin Gloves

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Some Matching Items
Amethyst Satin Gown Amethyst  Fur Amethyst  Gloves Vintage Pumps Amethyst
Amethyst Earrings Amethyst Necklace Choker Oval Earrings Pendant Bracelet (L) Bracelet (R)
Bracelet (L) Bracelet (L) Armband Forearm Cuff (L) Forearm Cuff (R)
Big Thigh Garter Garter Garter (L) Garter (R) Anklet (R)

Harlow Satin Collection

Amethyst Collection

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