"Eyes on The Back Of... " [Metal/Mono/Spinal Piercings]

Monotone, Black and Platinum Eyes, Eyes as Spinal piercings down the back.. Hence the title "Eyes on the Back Of.."

This was made to match my "Eyes On The Back Of..." "Insomnia - Eyes" - for males..

This spinal piercing matches well with Monotone, Carnage & Horror type skins. It goes well PVC, Latex, Industrial and Gothic, Vampire style clothing.

I made this for my own avatar, for my personal use, for specific purpose and events.. Yet if you feel compelled, feel free to purchase it for your own avatar.. I hope you will enjoy it..

There is a preview of the product below, to give you an idea of the product's appearances.. The image[s] do not do the product justice. I recommend viewing in peer review with your own avi, clothing, hair and skins..

If you are satisfied with this product.. Please rate and review here on this product page.. Your patronage IS appreciated!

Thank You! Enjoy! ~Nomi

NomikjustkatyBettaBannerImvu2012, My promo banner for my imvu account. Copyright Katy Aretxabaleta 2012.  aka Nomikjustkiaty on imvu aka ikreate on deviantart.

Avi Name for catty on white, nomikjustkaty on imvu

Eyes In The Back Of..  Spinal Piercing.  Eyes down the back..  Copyright [c]  Katy Aretxabaleta  aka  nomikjustkaty on imvu  2013 photo EyeOnYou-SpinalPiercingcopy.png


Macabre - The Matron of 


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The Morgue

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The Morgue

Macabre est. 2007
Copy. Paste. Support.

NecroI - Embrace The Pain

src="http://images.imvusale.com/banners/Banner_63571.png" border="0">