Palace Nursery for A Prince, or Princes'! This room could also be used for twins. Beautiful, beautiful room! Beautiful tapestry-draped Bow Windows. Royal tapestry drapes in brown with tan striped scalloped shades, floral sheers, tiebacks. A darling little boy teddy bear with a blue jean jumper on and striped shirt. Blue ceiling. Walls in the two bedrooms have boy teddy bears, blocks and horsey pull toy wallpaper with bead board wainscoting in wood. So Precious! Formal Royal drapes everywhere! Beautiful reflective flooring with tiles of a boy teddy bear, his shoes, his castle, and two Prince Crowns for twin boys, with "PRINCE" inscribed on each banner (complete with a frog!). A Royal Nursery fit for a Prince-to-be!! A beautiful nursery and playroom. Enjoy! As always, please try before you buy.



