Awesome dance club with photo-realistic textures and graphics, 4 romantic couples poses, animated poses for dancing, playing piano, playing drums, light shows and laser effects. The bar graphics are the absolute best you'll find anywhere, and the ambiance is really nice in this room - you'll want to spend all your time here! Completely furnished room at a great price!

Click here to TEST IT OUT

PLEASE NOTE: While the room does come fully furnished, not every single item in the public version of the room is included. Specifically, the Ansche Chung Flash TV, Lovers Chair, and a few poses and dance nodes are in the public room but not in the version you buy here. Even so, there are plenty of dance animations, other animations, and couples poses, and enough furniture built in that you would have trouble adding any for lack of space. If you are in doubt about what is, or is not included when purchasing this room, visit the public version and right click to see a menu of all the additional products in the room. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. Thanks!