My newest series of musicboxes are a set that includes instrumentals from ragtime piano sheet music collecting dust on my shelf. James Scott, 1885-1938, was a composer and arranger. My dad was a composer, musician and artist. This set of ragtime music boxes is a tribute to him. The songs in this set are, Kansas City Rag, Ophelia Rag, and Paramount Rag with triggers rag7, rag8, and rag9 respectively.
All music contained in this set was created using a recorder and a grand piano. Lovingly coded and processed with Audacity and the use of a Pentium computer. Amazing what technology can do! They are being shared with the community at large. Price on these boxes will appear slightly more due to the initial work hours involved in producing them. If you love piano music, then these sets will be for you. This is a furniture item that can be placed on floors and walls.