
DJ TBOne - IMVU Developer - Products that rock !
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Dare2Dream Designs

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Dreamscape Radio | IMVU | MySpace | Tagged | Fubar | Hoverspot

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Vampire Castle
The Neon Collection

Welcome to the Neon Collection

Have fun with these long, 2 tone Pony Tails. Colored in Purple and Lime Green, theyre purrrrfect for wearing to your fav rave.

NOTE: Shown here with D2D Moon Teddy from the Mystic Collection

Thank You
for browsing and choosing my products. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. I am currently working on new products. If you have any requests, you can email me or leave me a private message on my home page.

If you would like to write a product review, feel free to do so below. Please keep any negative product comments on my home page in private. I ask that you do not write mean or nasty comments about my products. If you have any problems with them, you may leave me a private message telling me what it is and I will work on resolving them. I value my customers' opinions and will do what I can to keep them happy. If you have any positive comments about my products, feel free to leave them public or spread the word and tell others about them.

*Note* - I am not online much so please forgive me if I don't get back to you right away. I do check my Email, messages, and comments as often as I can. As soon things start picking up for me I will be online more often. Life is hard sometimes. Piece of Peace !

"I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while."

D2D - Dare2Dream Designs
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