Awesome Anubis Dual Throne, High detailed... build over a fire. It has torches with animated flames. 18 sec of fire sound.
It has a flag with an image of the God Anubis
It cames with costum poses and i made this to match with my egyptian line.
Custom poses:
Guard: There are 4 guard spots where an avi will stand up straight as if guarding the avi in front.
Throne: On the Throne seat is 3 poses, one in the middle which is the idle pose and one over each arm, which are judgment Thumbs up or down poses
: There is a lying down pose in front of the throne,
Kneeling: In front of the alter is a kneeling pose for the accused
Please note that if you are using an "special avie" like super avatar or anything like this.. that is not the default avie. Some poses will not work. This is not a problem of the throne, this is a bug of this special avatars. So if you have this prob, just go to inventory tab, avatars, and aply the default.
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