Do not buy this product as it is for derivation purposes.

Introducing THE ULTIMATE PORTABLE POPUP !!! 30 images and 60 animations at only 16 kb's !!!!{registers in public chat as 16 KB s)

Derivable Portable 30 image popup regular size version, size 256 x 512

Enter any room and add images of your choice to the room that will enhance any performance your doing. Dance and this popup will NOT move.
If you want to wear more than one of these popups derive product CLICK HERE Triggers for this product are:

pic1 - pic30 to make the images appear.
up1 - up30 to make the images dissapear.

Developers don't forget to make up your own triggers.

Developers derive this product safe in knowledge that this is an original textured and uvmapped mesh created by my myself for your enjoyment


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Rest assured these / our products are copyrighted.