These are performance spot markers for a special Virgin IMVU Performing Artist theater. A special room was created and designed by Keef. IMVU performers can now create theaters with 5 stages, ten sets and over 50 pre-programmed performances.

Utilization of this special theater was further developed by TonyaOnyaJi, creator of an unbelievable "Syncronization Correction System" (SCS) that allows IMVU avatars (users) to do amazing perfomances in perfect sync with IMVU playlist music.

Link to public version of the room Hollywood Virgins
Link to IMVU catalog for room Hollywood Virgins Theater
Link to IMVU catalog spot bundles (LINK COMING SOON - Virgin Theater Spot Marker Bundle)

How to add these spot markers to your "Keef" theater...
Placing "Scene2" Markers
1) Trigger scene2 in your room (this is the default setting when you entered the room)
2) Drop the spot marker named "! MainB Two Out" in the room
3) Move the spot marker to the main stage and make sure it is on the rotating portion of the stage
4) Now using the "ctrl" key, drag it over to stage "MainB" and place it just outside of the curtain
5) Add a standing spot in the same fashion starting it on the center rotating platform in scene2
6) Drag the standing spot in the same fashion to the same place on top of the spot marker
7) Now do the same thing for "! MainB Two In" placing it just inside of the curtain and add a standing spot
8) Test the results. Rotate the scene, making sure that both the standing spot and the spot marker rotate
9) Repeat for all the scene2 spot markers

Placing "Scene1" Markers
Start by rotating the room to scene1. Then add the spot markers for scene1 just as you did for scene2 markers.

TonyaOnya's Tips & Tricks
These spot markers are a tool/utility and were never intened to be visible to those watching your stage perfomances. After a couple days of practice, lower the spot markers below the floor. Spots markers will still be visible to you behind the stage in most cases.

Do you need these spot markers? I memorized (but also designed) the room performance spot layouts. So I don't personally need them except to be able to communicate to others how to set up the room and where in the room to perform the pre-programmed performances. If you are building a theater that others will be performing in, I recommend that you add the markers.

Hey Virgins! Ready to go pro?

A top IMVU product developer has taken notice of us. After a meeting with him some 14 months ago he took an interest in what we are doing and went off on his own and created this totally advanced and remarkable robotic theater. He gifted it to me and I didn't really understand the implications of what he was trying to show me. After a year of leaving it "on the shelf" I took another look at it and discovered that this has MAJOR WOW FACTOR!


Inspired by Virgin IMVU Performing Artists

As real as it gets!

Stage Map


  • Five reliable curtain commands that raise and lower individually
  • Five stages with two sets each!
  • Ten programable stage sets using a single control trigger
  • Fifty plus Virgin perfomances customized to operate everything within the theater
    A true to life theater mesh created by a real life theater set designer from the real world and an IMVU core product developer Keef. You can texture his and make it your own, or use one of the many that have been textured by friends of Virgins. I made one too!

    LINK: Test your performances in this room
    LINK: Where to stand when testing (trigger/navigation guide page)
    LINK: Collect Tonya's textured version of Keef's theater: Hollywood Virgins
    LINK: Texture your own from Keefs original mesh

    A simple theater navigation tool with installation instructions

    This accessory will help you and your friends navigate your Keef/Virgin theater. Keep in mind that these are not for show and are usually hidden just under the stage out of sight from your audience. You only need these if you intend to use the Keef theater and if you are the only person performing in your theater you may not need them at all. Once you get used to where your performance standing spot is located you might simply memorize it. To see how these markers work view the New Virgin trigger/navigation page, then go to our test theater. The links to the trigger page and the practice theater are posted above.

    There are three "Spot Marker Bundles" for you to choose from.

    "LINK: Spot Marker Bundle Option One Scene One"
    This is all the markers for "scene1". I present these first because it's kinda obvious where the scene2 performance spots are located without the need for a marker. In other words, scene2 performance spots are simple to understand because they don't require rotating the set to bring them up. Scene2 is the rooms default position. When you enter the room you are on "scene2". Scene1 markers are the most confusing to do without, thus I post them first. It will save you credits to collect only scene1 markers.

    "LINK: Spot Marker Bundle Option Two Scene Two"
    This is all the markers for "scene2". Just in case you feel you need them. It's still a good idea to place them if you share your theater with other performers.

    "LINK: Spot Marker Bundle Option Three All"
    This bundle includes all the spot markers. I have installed the entire set (all) of the spot markers in our "Hollywood Virgins" theater (linked above). To see them go behind the stage. Compare them to the trigger/navigation page listed above. Note that the first set you see is "scene1". Type "scene1" to rotate them. You will be transported to the stage. Now that you changed scenes, wander back stage to see the other half of the stage markers (scene2 markers now in back).


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