For the more budget minded, a step down from the Invisible Skin mark II, decided to create this for those who can't afford to spend 1,100,000,000 credits ($1,100,000.00) on an avatar skin.

Although not as pimped out as the original ISMKII, this skin nonetheless has the features discriminating invisibility seeking customers have come to expect from the best.

- Almost near transparency from distances greater than 1 kilometer.
- Skin doubles as UV Black light, useful in checking for fake IDs and counterfeit money.
- Achieve invisibility without the nasty radioactive injections and strain on your sanity (like Kevin Bacon in Hollow Man). We guarantee *you will not become insane wearing this skin.
- Never lose your keys on the ground in the dark again.
- UV glow can also be used to detect cat urine stains, and other unhygienic organic residues (blood, semen, mucus, etc.)

*Unless you're already clinically insane, in which case, it doesn't matter.
**Sales of this product void in Puertorico, Tibet, Samoa, Luxumborg, Taiwan, Okinawa, Philippines, Alabama, Utah and countries and counties where invisibility goes against local laws and ordinances. Check your local law enforcement for clarification before purchasing this product if you are unsure as to the legallity in your area.
***stop fuxing chickens you sick freak!