Absolutely stunning design Villa, 18 integrated furnitures, fully equipped kitchen, three-storey including terrace pool, 2500 furniture nodes if you think included ones isn't enough and 94 ROMANTIC POSES...

Ground floor: Ocean, artificial beach and private hall
1 floor: Terrace pool, massage & spa, living room with plasma tv, computer room and spa.
2 floor: Bedroom, balcony, bathroom, dressing room, bar.

1 & 2 floor fully furnished, as a passionate diver I have included there 6 photo realistic paintings from underwater . TV and 3 computers has also realistic background images.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

**This is designed to "merge" with the -WG- Villa X-Stream, Terrace pool, Reef Bar and other higly detailed items in this series.

Get those here...
Villa X-Stream Villa X-Stream FE X-Stream Terrace Pool X-Stream Reef Bar X-Stream Reef Pavilion X-Stream Reef Raft X-Stream Reef Chaise X-Stream Reef Dining Table X-Stream Reef Chair X-Stream Reef Lounge

WARNING: This room has been tested many times with me and my friends, there is nothing wrong with it. But IT WILL FREEZE most computers during the loading, even it freezes in white screen be patient. It's worth of waiting...

Go take look on this a t my public room. DO NOT!!! DO NOT write bad reviews if you buy this and your computer can't handle it. There will not be credit refundings in any situation, you have been informed that the room is heavy and you have chance to test it. Good reviews about the room, not your computer power always appreciated. Thank you


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Rooms Furniture

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