My good friend, Launa Sorensen, has published her first book... actually, she published the first three in a series! I'm really proud of her. I asked her publisher if I could make her a book here on IMVU and they said, "Go for it!" I've set the price so that I make no credits. Only the original mesher and IMVU make credits (both as required). So, IMVU buddies... how about having a *real* epic fantasy book sitting on your table? It opens with the trigger open, and turns the pages with the triggers page1, page2, etc.

So, Launa, here it is ;) "The King's First Journey" in mini format. It includes the cover art (used with permission) and the text from the back cover plus cover pictures of books 2 and 3 with brief descriptions and links to your website. Lots of people have *ideas,* Launa, but you actually *wrote* them down -- not just one but many novels! God bless you. This is just the beginning.