"What is sticking in your foot is a Mitzy "Pretty Lucretia" four-inch heel, the most dangerous footwear in the world. Considered as pounds per square inch, it's like being trodden by a very pointy elephant. Now, I know what you're thinking: you're thinking 'could she push it all the way to the floor?' And you know, I'm not sure about that, myself. The sole of your boot might give me some trouble, but nothing else will. But that's not the worrying part. The worrying part is that I was forced practically at knifepoint to take ballet lessons as a child, which means I can kick like a mule; you're sitting in front of me; and I have another shoe. Good, I can see you have that worked out. I'm going to withdraw the heel now."

-- "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchet.

Wyldwolf Productions

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