Magical Particle Fairy Wands

Fairy Wands, these are held in the right hand, please try on to see ! It might not match your avatar.. we all use different sizes, so check before you buy ok.



This wand is derivable, to change the sparkle you need to know the name of the .png image used and that is: wand.png

I have 3 derivable wands and each has a slightly different particle effect


Color Wand

This changes color at a particle level, and includes glow, so try it with your texture.. it will look different! Generally with these I use a plain white texture but colours work too.

Glow Wand

In this one the particles just have a glowing effect added

Plain Wand

This is just the particle star effect no glow and no colors.


You can learn how to change the particle by reading my tutorial, keep in mind the particle for the wands need to be named exactly wand.png