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Black Avatar Armor Pants

A silence could often be heard when the essence of chaos was near--one simply had to listen for its call. Those that stood in resistance to its pull had earned their names as keepers of order and law. But, even they had to follow the natural course of events...

This set is a bottom and top that are designed to work together. The standard pauldrons and gloves did not work with the top mesh. You should be able to use different versions of the fantasy weapon collections in the catalog except for those that replace the hands. If you're looking for the set for that purpose, I would recommend trying on different types before making a final selection in the process.

The gloves and boots of the sets originate from other developers in the catalog. These are listed below as the one's I used for the models.

A red and gold version of this suit can be found:

The following products may be found in my catalog:

The following products may be found in the catalog of wonderful developers:

I thank you for your interest in my products that are listed in the catalog of the IMVU Community. All buyers are asked to be aware that IMVU has a feature known as Try It or the Dressing Room. These are open to users via the tabs at the top of the product page you are currently viewing. In the case of clothing, please utilize this feature to ensure you are indeed interested in aquiring the product in listed here. Refunds will not be issued in many cases. I will work with customers, but I will not be able to assist in cases of techincal troubles. In these cases, I will have to refer you to the IMVU tech support to resolve the matter. As a Content Creator, I do not work directly for the IMVU staff, nor can assist in resolving coding matters.

Reviews are welcome on products that are listed here. However, I ask that if you have trouble with a product to contact me directly via my homepage. I am not able to review product feedback listed on the site and it does not inform the creator when one is listed. This will assist in resolving matters in a timely fashion.