Thank you for visiting my catalog today. I hope that your stay here is a welcome one. Right now you are looking at a hair created for males created in a blond coloring scheme I like to call "Tabula Rasa", which is part of the "Tabula Rasa" Series for males. This hair has another matching hair that has a different style to is and matching eyebrows as well. The following are links to the other matching hair and eyebrows:

Alternate Hairstyle for this Tabula Rasa 2 Hair

Matching Eyebrows for this Tabula Rasa 2 Hairstyle

There are also other great items in my catalog, so please take your time and look around here. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

If you are tired of not seeing enough every day clothing in the IMVU community and you want to see more items that you might wear in real life, then you have come to the right place.

My goal is to create a fashion line for both females and males that would be more fitting to what you might wear on a normal basis in your daily life. I hope that you enjoy this hair.

**Please try this hairstyle on before you purchase it to make sure it is what you want and like.**

Please take the time to leave a review for me so I can learn what you would like to see made here on IMVU. Thank you in advance and God bless you.

If you wish to derive from this particular hairstyle, please use this link.
***Please note*** If you choose to derive from this hairstyle, please leave your hairstyle as underiveable so the cost is kept low for customers.

