"Time Is Running Out" [Animated, Strange, Weird, Obscure, Odd, Broken-Down Clock]

Animated Odd, Strange and Obscure Clock. Around the same size as a grandfather clock. Made of a Steam-punk sort of colored brushed metal, in a sort of Steam-punk style. Has horizontally animated spiraling metal rings going down the main body of the clock, with a texture that could serve as either a rustic appearance for Steam-punk, or as a blood splattered appearance for your weird and horrific rooms.. The face of the clock is crooked as if it is coming loose and bent a little bit forward at the top of the face. The Hour, minute and second hands of the clock face are constantly spinning in an odd manner.. There are *gaps* between the metal rings of the clocks main body and you can see through to the center of the clocks body and there are *gears* constantly *falling* down through the body, from behind the face of the clock.. Hence the title *Time is Running Out*

Images do not do the product justice, please view in peer review for full viewing of details and quality.

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Thank You! Enjoy! ~Nomi

NomikjustkatyBettaBannerImvu2012, My promo banner for my imvu account. Copyright Katy Aretxabaleta 2012.  aka Nomikjustkiaty on imvu aka ikreate on deviantart.

Time Is Running Out by Nomikjustkaty on imvu, For my imvu catty.  Copyrigt [c] Kathleen Aretxabaleta  2012  aka Nomikjustkaty on imvu.


Macabre - The Matron of 


Products by: LizzieBorden

