The "Tea Party" = The American Taliban

Its time to start calling the GOP and the Tea Party out on their Radical Fundamentalism nonsense

I wonder why there is no news about a broad, grass roots movement to get immigrants, minorities, the poor and the elderly the necessary ID's to vote this November? It's their responsibility, sure, but many do need help.

Not necessarily for Democrats or Obama votes (although that would be my personal preference) but to exercise their constitutional right, express their opinion and affect those who would govern us, supposedly on our behalf.

It would be a shame if the Tea Party and G.O.P. plans for voter suppression tactics succeeds without the other side fighting back.

The following excerpt quotes real politicians, present & past as well as the Constitution. BRAVO!

Would you believe that the following words keep getting removed from my "search keywords"?

Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Independent,