Compliments to ChicByTrinity for this amazing room..below are instructions for placement of the cars and the room info as given by Chic...enjoy THE LARGEST ROOM EVER BUILT! ~8000 trees ~30 miles of road 2 animated car nodes for driving on the roads! Works with any car! 3 bridges 2 tunnels Several hills with awesome views Hilltop house with a watchtower Huge ocean Wide river ~4000 furniture nodes 68 default nodes for avatar Triggers for car nodes (scroll down to see the location guide) drive1, stop1, drive2, stop2 NOTE: Do NOT use car triggers for driving! Only room triggers work right! Car triggers are good for sound and wheels, but not for driving. This room is huge, it has high poly count and very wide geometry -- low end computers may lag or even crash. Reminder: DRIVING NODES WORK WITH ANY FURNITURE ITEM THAT YOU CAN PLACE ONTO THEM! No special cars needed! Animated car nodes locations: Standard furniture node, located between the 2nd and 3rd white line on the road. Stand nearby and add a car. Drag it to the node so it rotates itself to the right direction. drive2 / stop2 Do not rotate the car when adding it to the node, it will rotate itself to the right direction when u got the right spot. If it didn't rotate, then you don't have it on the right spot. Standard furniture node, located near the east entrance to the main tunnel. Stand nearby and add a car. Drag it to the node so it rotates itself to the right direction (facing towards the tunnel).