*The Romanian Tailsnap Dragon is named such for the region its most commonly found and for its particularly vicious tail-whip attacks. Its tail is covered with four to seven foot long spikes. They are more so dangerous due to an unusually noxious coating of bacteria that make any injuries no matter how small incurred by a "tail snap" to rapidly turn septic. If gone untreated a small wound can cause necrosis of the surrounding tissue, paralysis and even death within four hours.

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Their particularly striking blue and red coloration are thought to be a result of generations of natural selective breeding, the bright patterns and colors attracting females during mating displays. This particular colorful adaptation is very useful considering that thier natural habitat are volcanic lava caverns running beneath the surface, where their cobalt blue skin tends to stand out against the constant orange glow.

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In addition to thier tail spike attacks, this subspecies also contains a small venom sack right below thier jaw muscles, allowing them to spit a rather caustic venom at thier enemies. Though not as deadly as thier spikes, the venom if comes in contact with a victim's eyes, immediately starts to burn the retinas. The chemical properties of the venom resembles the effects of pepper spray. Most notable, a young Tailsnap is capable of spitting venom the moment it is hatched, seemingly being a pre-adult form of protection and self-defense.

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Action keywords:[roar, brup]

*yup, still goofing off. No, thats not a typo, its brup.