As Shown on Icon but higher and Larger
/*your custom css stuff goes below this line*/ body {background:#666666; } /*I make the links down the bottom transparent so they don't look out of place with my page's skin - copyright, TOS etc*/ #ft_links {background:transparent !important; margin:0px !important; border: 0px !important; } /*now change the font colour of the linsk and text to a neutral grey*/ #ft a, #ft {color: #999999 !important; } /*This is your product's rather large name next to the thumbnail*/ #product h1 {color:#ff0000 !important;} /*These links are the ones that involve people asking for or giving away your product - you make money*/ #product-give, #add-to-wishlist, #product-add-to-giftlist {color:#ff0000 !important; } /*mouseover colours for the same links*/ #product-give:hover, #add-to-wishlist:hover, #product-add-to-giftlist:hover {color:#ffffff !important; } /*The link to remove a troublesome item - just a bit smaller so it's not so distracting :)*/ #product-try {font-size: 7pt; color:#999999; } /*get rid of everything we think might distract someone before the sale is completed!!*/ .messageStackReward, #wishlist, #nav_userinfo img, #swf_ticker, #leaderboard, .username, #ccpheader_leaderboard {display:none} /*How much money does the visitor have? Write it in BIG letters so they know at a glance that they have enough to buy your product!*/ .price {font-size:15px; } /*Products that were also purchased*/ .product {background:#000000 !important; } /*who made those also purchased products*/ .product .byline {display:none !important;} /*the poo-coloured rectangle that appears around a product when you put your finger in it*/ #product_widget_overlay {border:6px solid #b70000 !important; background:#000 url(/common/skin/base/buttons/btn_product_widget_expand.gif) 0 30px !important; } /*when you push play, this appears*/ #product_widget_overlay .expander.expanded { background:#000 url(/common/skin/base/buttons/btn_product_widget_expand.gif) 0 0 !important; } /*this is all useful information, I'm sure*/ #product_widget_data { background:#000 !important; border-top:1px solid #333 !important; } /*this is the throbber behind the product info at the widget overlay as it loads. You'll probably never ever even see it.*/ #product_widget_data #pwd_loading { background:#333 !important; } /*The link at the top of the popup thing - the title, the product name*/ #product_widget_data .hd a { color:#ff0000!important; } /*what that name looks like on mouseover*/ #product_widget_data .hd a:hover { color:#eeeeee!important; } /*the not-so-important links in there*/ #product_widget_data .bd a { color:#ff0000!important; } /*the surplus links in the also sold products' descriptions*/ #pwd_desc a { display:none !important; } /*more links to other stuff your customersdon't want or need (otherwise why would they be looking at your product in the first place?*/ #pwd_links {display:none !important;} /*whatever this is (it is useful though)*/ #product_widget_data #pwd_icons { border-top:1px solid #e5e5e5!important; } /*more stuff - also useful*/ #product_widget_data .ft { border-top:1px solid #333333!important; } /*uhhhhhh*/ #product_widget_data #pwd_tags { border-top:1px solid #333333!important; } /*I guess this probably only appears for YOUR products so your customers probably will never see or care what you do to it*/ #multi_tag #mt_tags_add_link a { color:#ff0000!important; } /*Which date each review was left - who cares!? If it's good it's good, if not it's not*/ .date {display:none !important; } /*what the reviewer said. Let's separate this slightly from the five gold peppers so it's easier to read. There's SO much clutter and distraction!!*/ .review-text {font-weight:bold !important; text-align:center !important; } /*the links to "read more" for a long review. Do you want your visitors to fall asleep, or buy from you??*/ .review-text a {display:none !important; } /*all the important links in each "panel" - both "body" and "header"*/ .hd a:link, .hd a:visited, .hd a:active, .bd a:link, .bd a:visited, .bd a:active, .headerNavigation:link, .headerNavigation:visited, .headerNavigation:active {color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; } /*the onmouseover events for some of these links*/ .bd a:hover, .hd a:hover, .headerNavigation:hover {color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold; } /*the two "add to cart" buttons*/ .btn-submit {background-color:#000000; color:#ff0000; } /*the two "buy now" buttons (see my other post for how to make them flash)*/ #buy_now, #buy_now_sub {background:#ff0000 !important; color:#000000 !important; } /*the little bars behind the headers, the breadcrumb trail/category descriptor, and the search box*/ .hd, h3,h4, #imvu-bc {background:#000000 !important; color:#FF0000!important; text-transform:capitalize !important; } /*We want the text for the reviews header to be in capital letters if we are going to shout at people with it*/ #reviews .hd {text-transform:uppercase; } /*NO distracting background images on the "panel" body or header portions*/ .hd .bg {background-image:none !important; color:#FF0000 !important; } /*the body bits and various form elements get a makeover*/ .bd, .text, select {background:#333333!important; color:#ffffff!important; } /*make the MAXInav a little easier on the eyes*/ #hd {height:50px !important; max-height:50px !important; overflow:hidden; } /*the bits containing your product name, price, thumbnail, and all the buy now/add to cart/wishlist/giftlist links and buttons, tryit etc (pretty much just a coloured background)*/ #product-details, #product-buttons-sub { background:#000000; color:#ffffff; } /*CSS stuff for eriamel's dropdown box which looks far nicer than anything imvu has ever come up with and is very lightweight to boot*/ #mainNav {background:#333333;color:gold;} #mainNav option {background:#333333; padding-left:16px;height:16px;} #mainNav option.imv {background:#333333 url( no-repeat left;} #mainNav option.creds {background:#333333 url( no-repeat left;} #mainNav option.imvc{background:#333333 url( no-repeat left;} /*I guess we probably don't need this next line ... Oh well.*/ #mininav-buttons {margin-top: 6px !important;} /*let's snexy up the forms a little bit*/ input, button { color: #FFF; background: #3d3d3d; border: 1px solid #666; font-family: "arial", Georgia, serif; } /*more*/ select { color: #FFF; background: #3d3d3d; border: 1px solid #666; font-family: "arial", Georgia, serif; /*font-size: 90%;*/ font-weight: normal; font-family: "arial", Georgia, serif; } /*try to trim the fat off the search button near the top. Dunno if it worked or not.*/ #site-search .submit { border:0px; border:none; } body { background:#000000; } /*do not edit below this line*/
Cross Design Group store