A pearlescent bowl decorated in sensual pink hues, engraved around its edge with hearts of a rich and passionate crimson. Glossy red hearts bubble forth from its interior, filling any 30x30 are with a carpet of mischievous ardour!

Please note!
You must have the latest version of the IMVU client for this effect to work (build 388.8 or later). You can check to see what build you're using by looking at 'About Imvu' in your client's 'Help' menu.

Also, it's possible that some computers may not be able to handle the functionality yet. Rest assured that if your product does not function today, that it will soon in the near future.

For more Valentine's Day products, consider:
Spotlight Collections:

For your rooms and outfit contests:

Starfire Magic bundles:

Wearable stardust and costume accessories:

Ariane Emory's Product Catalog